Eyes on the real story folks

CAPTION: Happening here soon - again. Members of a group of Jewish refugees from Czechoslovakia are marched away by police at Croydon airport on 31 March 1939. The refugees were detained at the police station because their documents were not in order. They were put on a flight to Warsaw but threatened to jump out of the window if the plane took off. The pilot refused to fly, so they were deported the following day. THE BBC is once again providing succour to the Government, and I don’t mean by temporarily removing Gary Lineker from his role as presenter’s of Match of the Day. While most are vociferously defending what Lineker said - and of course it should be defended - they are not talking about the actual Illegal Migration Bill which caused the furore. Most are too busy tweeting in solidarity with Lineker and now Ian Wright and Alan Shearer who have also refused to appear on MOTD, and condemning the BBC, with only a few voices still focused on this horrendous bill. Lineker...