So words suddenly have consequences?


DOES anything say establishment quite like all the blue ticks, media pundits, centrists and even Tory MPs rushing out to condemn the ‘attack’ on Keir Starmer? I put attack in quotes because it was hardly that; he had police surrounding him – and wasn’t that a lucky thing that they were on hand to do so – and he was shouted at. That’s not to say it couldn’t have gotten out of hand if the police hadn’t been there. But those good friends of Starmer were there to protect him and it didn’t get out of hand.

And are we now saying the public can’t voice their anger towards a politician? I’m not advocating violence, but shouting is not that, and what are they supposed to do – write him a strongly worded letter?

Not one of these same media luvvies or MPs were prepared to say a dickie bird about the many, many times Jeremy Corbyn was harassed and even punched in the head.

They stayed remarkably silent as the Daily Fail monstered Corbyn daily, from calling him a terrorist lover, to the awful vampire pic with the headline which said Labour must kill vampire Jezza. And when Darren Osbourne killed a man in the Finsbury Park attack and said he wanted to kill Jeremy Corbyn? I saw the media stating that but not one condemning it as a result of all the lies told about Corbyn.

Even when he was punched in the head with a fist containing an egg, these very same people made jokes about it. When a video was released showing soldiers in the British army using a photo of Corbyn for target practice, where was the media vilification then? Or Tory MPs?

But it’s not just that – though that is a lot. Corbyn was doorstepped for years until we were all as familiar with his front door as we are with our own; his face was plastered all over the right wing media depicting him as an evil person who would ruin the country; he was lied about and smeared on a daily basis and nobody in the media or in Parliament gave a toss.

So you might want to ask yourself why this is. It’s because these people rushing to Starmer’s defence – even Boris Johnson – see him as no threat at all. Corbyn was. He wanted to remake society into one where the less well-off, the disabled, the elderly, the vulnerable, would be lifted up, not trodden down, and the establishment couldn’t be having that. Whereas Starmer just wants to carry on as usual. No significant changes to anything. For goodness sake, his whipping his MPs to abstain on the welfare vote yesterday should be a wake-up call to even the most obtuse centrist. The Sir is establishment through and through.

But let’s also take a moment to focus on how the media and blue ticks are now framing this ‘attack’ on Starmer. They are trying to say it is about Johnson's comments re Jimmy Savile, yet I heard only one voice say Savile’s name while the majority were yelling “traitor”.Not traitor as in ‘Jezza is a Czech spy’ but traitor as in he has betrayed the working class. And he has.

As for those calling for Johnson to apologise over what he said about Starmer’s failure to prosecute Savile, the fact remains that Starmer was head of the CPS at the time and they failed to prosecute. That’s not disputable. And don’t come at me with “oh, but he didn’t handle the case” because we can see that for the bollocks it is. You really think such a high profile case wouldn’t have been brought to the attention of the man at the top? If you believe that I have a lovely garden bridge to sell you.

I loathe the Tories and Johnson, but I equally loathe Starmer, who has alienated most of Labour’s traditional core supporters. I actually find it quite amusing that those who were giving him a damn good shouting at yesterday are probably the same right-wingers he has been trying to attract while shitting all over the left.

So you can stick your outrage where the sun doesn’t shine. We have been telling you for years that smears and lies have consequences, but as long as they were against a man who just might have shaken up your cosy little world, that was fine was it?



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